Where others see challenges, we see opportunity
Our Goal
Provide safe, clean, and affordable housing to American families. In the United States, mobile home communities are the most affordable, non-subsided housing available for over 22 million Americans.
Benefits of Mobile Home Communities
Strong and Increasing Demand
Government Constrained Supply
Stable Cash Flow
Consistent Rent Increases
Access to Off-market Deals
Minimal Capital Expendatures
Low Tenant Turnover
Accelerated Depreciation
Recession Resistant
How We Find Off-Market Opportnuities
Find Assets
We create a multi-state database of mobile home communities and filter based on our purchasing criteria
We contact the owners through direct mail marketing & cold calls
Build Relationships
We foster relationships through multiple months and years of partnership by adding value to the existing owners
Provide Solutions
We find win-win scenarios to meet the needs and objectives of the existing owners, then purchase the communities which meet our criteria
Value Add Strategy
Golden Oak will stabilize the community during the turnaround stage, increase rental rates to market, lower expenses, and reduce vacancy. We typically complete these projects in 18-24 months, but each asset will be unique. We provide capital estimates for deferred maintenance, new homes, and new amenities to provide the most value to residents.
Upon completion, residents experience pride in ownership of their homes and communities.
Community clean-up day
New Signage
Improved Landscaping
Add amenities (playground, common areas)
Remove vacant units
Fill pot holes
Remove non-running vehicles
Fix water leaks
Power-wash & paint homes
Repair & replace skirting
Enforce rules and regulations
Remove unruly tenants